Quirks, div h:100%, body h:100%, html h:100%

All the content of this page is wrapped in a div (with a light green background) having height:100%.
html and body have or not height 100% as indicated above.
Rendering mode is standards or quirks as indicated above.
The resulting height of the wrapper div is 100% of the browsers window or auto (based on content), depending on the combination of the above factors and on the browser.

height on body, html resulting height of wrapper having h:100%, in:
std browser IE6-
Quirks body, html no h 100%
body h:100% html no h
html h:100%
Standards body, html no h auto
body h:100% html no h auto 100%
html h:100% 100%
w:200px; p-r:50px
If the above blue bar has width 200px, we are probably in quirks mode
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