IE7-/Win: negative margins, position:relative, hasLayout
In all the above six test cases there is a red box (with assigned width) containing a yellow box with margin-left: -100px. In IE/Win:
- The part of the yellow box protruding out of the container is not displayed in IE6-.
- The yellow box has hasLayout obtained with height:0 (zoom:1 for IE7); outside part still missing in IE6-.
- The yellow box has hasLayout obtained with height:1%; outside part still missing in IE6-. Moreover the box is 100px shorter (also in IE7.)
- The yellow box has position:relative; outside part missing (also in IE7.)
- The yellow box has position:relative and hasLayout obtained with height:0 (zoom:1 for IE7), it is displayed correctly.
- The yellow box has position:relative and hasLayout obtained with height:1%, outside part is displayed, but the box is 100px shorter (also in IE7.) In on other words: it doesn't fill the parent on the right, since it doesn't have the correct width. The result is the same as if the box had left:-100px, instead of margin-left:-100px
The above four test cases are all correctly displayed in IE/Win.
The above six test cases are like the first six, but using the right margin instead of the left one. Similar problems.
The above six test cases are like the first six, but with both left and right margins negative. Similar problems.
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