CSS min-width emulation

{width:50%; min-width:300px;} includes IE5+ (Win & Mac)

This box has a min-width of 300px and a width of 50%. The width can be any percentage (or auto) and the min-width a px or em value.

The effect is obtained with three nested divs:

  • the first has width:50%
  • the second has border-left:300px and hasLayout
  • the third has margin-left:-300px, position:relative and hasLayout

1px black border is on third box.

For debug only:

  • first box has orange background, top and bottom border
  • left border on second box is pink
  • the little blue and green squares are floats (left and right)

If the desired width is 100% or auto, the outermost wrapper can be omitted.

{width:50%; min-width:300px;} includes IE5+ (Win & Mac)

This box has a min-width of 300px and a width of 50%. The width can be any percentage (or auto) and the min-width a px or em value.

This is similar to the previous, but uses a padding instead of a border. Unfortunately this requires a further wrapper for IE/Win. The only advantage is that the box background can be transparent.

Four nested divs:

  • the first has width:50%
  • the second has padding-left:300px and hasLayout
  • the third has hasLayout
  • the fourth has margin-left:-300px, position:relative and hasLayout

1px black border is on fourth box.

For debug only:

  • first box has orange top and bottom border
  • the little blue and green squares are floats (left and right)

If the desired width is 100% or auto, the outermost wrapper can be omitted.

In this test page there is no min-width property, all browsers receive the same rules (except the hasLayout hacks) that emulate min-width in IE/Win (and most browsers react in the same way, emulating min-width.) Back to the CSS min-width (includes IE) page where only IE6- receives the hacked rules, other browsers simply get min-width:300px on the first box.

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