left fixed, right fluid

Based on Big John's Piefecta, with min-width

First in source

This center col is first in the source, being a right float. The left col (second in source) is floated left in the same wrapper.

The headings and paragraphs are widthless and have 1px red borders to show any width problems in the columns.

This is a 500px wide div, to check what happens with IE/Win and its "box expansion"

Some Of The Features

Here is a right float test box.

Any column may be longest. All the columns are floated.

Back to normal page, without oversized content.

This is a test link.

Second in source

Here is a left float test box.

This col is floated and also negatively margined to the left, so it is "pulled" out of its container except for a single pixel that is kept within the container.

Here is a right float test box.

This layout works in: IE5+/Win, Opera 6+, Mozilla, IE5/Mac, Safari.

This is a test link.