On each line there are two nested divs with text inside, with some border-left and padding-bottom, to trigger the problem.

Here all divs have hasLayout.

miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao

The same without hasLayout (problem in IE5.5 and IE6 /Win.)

miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao

01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem?

01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem? Again, without layout and then with layout. The shift is persistent and cumulative.

miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao
miao miao

01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem?

01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem?

01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem? 01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem? 01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem? 01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem? 01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem? 01234567890123456789 how to reset the problem?

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