This is a float with some margin, in a green box
This is some text in the same green box as the float

In the above test case a green box includes a float and some text. The box green background should extend under the float (and honor the body right margin/padding).

This is a float with some margin followed by a green box
This is some text in a green box following the float

In the above test case a float is followed by a green box containing some text. The box green background should extend under the float.

This is a float with some margin followed by a green box
This is some text in a green box following the float
This is some text in a green box following the float
This is some text in a green box following the float
This is some text in a green box following the float
This is some text in a green box following the float
This is some text in a green box following the float
This is some text in a green box following the float
This is some text in a green box following the float

In the above test case a float is followed by a green box containing some text which wraps under the float. The box green background should extend under the float.

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