This is a simple paragraph of text. In IE8 RC1 if the text size is changed using the menu bar (View | Text Size), then the characters are resized but the text is not reflowed as it should. Changing for example from 'Medium' to 'Largest' the lines appear truncated on the right and crammed (the line-height is still the original one). Changing from 'Medium' to 'Smallest' the lines do not take the whole paragraph width and are rather spread out. If the page is refreshed after the text size change, then all is correctly reflowed accordingly to the new text size. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas nunc nulla, lobortis eu, eleifend eu, venenatis non, massa. Morbi sed wisi a sapien sollicitudin porttitor. Morbi euismod, nibh eu commodo congue, arcu ante euismod ligula, ut laoreet lacus orci sed elit. Pellentesque lorem augue, pretium et, mattis a, pretium eget, leo. Nulla sapien. Integer non risus. Curabitur a sem. Donec non ante. Integer bibendum mauris eget erat.