The boxes at the left have associated CSS popups, with relevant styles:
#nav1 a .pop {
   display: block;
   position: absolute;
   top: 0; left: 13.2em;
   visibility: hidden;
#nav1 a:hover .pop {
   visibility: visible;
They work in IE5.5+/Win, Moz, Op7+, Saf, IE5/Mac
Don't work in IE5.0/Win, Op6
The boxes at the left have associated CSS popups, with relevant styles:
#nav2 a .pop {
   display: none;
#nav2 a:hover .pop {
   display: block;
   position: absolute;
   top: 0; left: 13.2em;
They work in IE5+/Win, Moz, Op7+, Saf, IE5/Mac
Don't work in Op6

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